Welcome to Good Shepherd Bible Church

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Worship Service

12999 Worthington Rd NW, Pataskala, OH 43062
Sundays at 5pm

Our Mission & Vision

At Good Shepherd Bible Church our mission is to proclaim the Gospel so that all people may believe, grow & hope in Jesus.

We are an imperfect community of friends, neighbors, family and strangers who are seeking to follow a perfect Savior. We often refer to ourselves as a group of sinners and saints. We come together to confess our need and to proclaim the Gospel of full forgiveness. Through Jesus we have been reconciled to God and to each other. We seek to relate to one another in the same way that God relates to us – by grace.

Through weekly worship, community groups, men’s and women’s ministries, GSBC Kids, personal discipleship, and various serving opportunities, we pray that each person can experience the love of Jesus right where they are.

Current Sermon Series

We believe that the preached Word of God creates and sustains the Church.

Our desire is to “preach Christ crucified.” We are not into merely teaching timeless truths or general biblical principles. We want you to hear “Christ for you!” – where Jesus is the hero and substance of every sermon.

At Good Shepherd, the good news of Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection from the grave is preached straight to the places of brokenness and sin in our hearts. We do this in an expository manner, preaching through the books of the Bible, where the Gospel is proclaimed through the meaning of each text every week.

Helping people grow in their faith.

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Community Life

We were created to live life with other people. Though sin divides and separates us, we believe that the Gospel unites us and brings us together. This is why we pursue life in Christian community. Our community groups are designed to connect you with other people who are processing the realities of the Gospel in light of their own struggles and circumstances. Our group time is filled with Gospel conversation, sermon review, prayer, relationship building, and a shared meal together.

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